Conspiracy and Pronoia

Apr 16, 2010 by mydh
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

I really do believe this is true. Well, I should elaborate - I used to believe this at a more magical level... recently, the magical thing around this has gone completely missing for me and I see logical elements of that phenomenon (how sad, right? ;) )

Why do I think this?

Well, okay. To explain that I have to first introduce you to Ms. danah boyd (yep, no caps :)) or zephoria. She is one of the most coolest social media expert around. Or well, at least thats how I've always thought of her and the  information she tweets/buzzes about. Lately, I've seen that I see a lot of concepts around education(which is my most relevant to me right now) that seem to be coming from her and a whole bunch of other people I follow/read/watch etc. This sudden increase in the information coming my way reminded me of that quote... the one that says that the world will conspire to make it happen for you. All of this information that I am seeing is so highly relevant to me right now that i feel like there is this healthy conspiracy going to lead me in the right direction (a phenomenon also called Pronoia). So here's my little twist on what Emerson said - once you make a decision, the world of information conspires to make the connections for you and get you closer to your goal. Its not that the entire world has suddenly realized that I needed this information around learning/education and supplying me with it but its just me who is looking at all of this information from the angle that is influenced by my present state of mind. And I think thats really what it is.. and there is really no serendipitous or magical element to it (did i just ruin something for you?)

Well the good news is, if you believe this theory is true then real world also to a large extent makes sense. When you are focused a lot on a certain thing/object/concept you start to see a lot of things in your life that are in some way connected to this desired object. The world isn't especially conspiring, its always been on your side... its just that you've never noticed it :)

Wish there was a similar explanation for Murphy's law though ;)
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